All Pets is Mohali’s largest pet store.

Apr 14, 2022


All Pets is Mohali’s largest pet store. We provide a wide range of pet items and pet accessories at competitive prices. We have a small store, but we have the potential to stock a large number of pet items since we are pet lovers who understand the needs of our beloved pets. All pets is dedicated to providing the highest quality pets at the most affordable pricing. We never believe in sacrificing quality because we understand that you always have a choice. We constantly attempt to assist hobbyists with any and all pet-related issues, such as breeding, feeding & nutrition, health care recommendations, and so on. We have a wealth of experience that we are always eager to share. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want any assistance or advice on pets.




Written by Allpets


ALL PETS Stores ’n’ Farm is a passion for which we have been managing a complete pet store and pet farm in Mohali, near Chandigarh, since the year 2000